What to Expect

You are embarking on an adventure in a place and amongst people whose lives are very different from your own. The language may switch from Spanish to Quechua, or any other indigenous tongue, and some aspects of life in Peru will seem unusual. Remember that these are often the same aspects that make an area an exotic and attractive destination.

In addition to the personal physical challenges you may face, travel conditions can present unexpected obstacles, such as rough and bumpy roads and changeable weather. To prepare for this “pack” a flexible and relaxed attitude. Bring a spirit of adventure and inquiry, a healthy sense of humor, and a willingness to encounter the unexpected and you will find your trip to Peru the adventure of a lifetime!

Travel Documents

A valid passport is required by all foreigners travelling to Peru. Passports must have at least 6 months before they expire. 

Note: You will be required to sign a Liability Release Form at the hotel before the expedition. The conditions for this form are the same as the ones you have agreed to when booking. This form must be signed before you depart on your trek.

Peruvian Tourist Visa

Australian Passport

Tourists don’t need a visa. You can get a permit to stay for up to 6 months on arrival.

As of 20 August 2021, Peruvian immigration authorities have lifted the suspension of visa overstay fines due to COVID-19. Foreigners visiting Peru as tourists will be charged a fee of 4.40 PEN per day of overstay. For more information refer to the Peruvian government website (Spanish).  

For the most current entry and exit information (for Australian travellers), please consult hhttps://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/americas/peru

International guests, please consult your relevant government advisory body.

Hotel Accommodation



Hotel accommodation details: 


Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance is mandatory for all trekkers. Trip cancellation insurance will reimburse you for any non-recoverable air or land expenses should you have to cancel your trip due to personal or family illness or leave the expedition early due to other reasons. It will also cover any emergency medical evacuation expenses should you become ill during the expedition. We strongly recommend that you take out baggage loss and accident insurance. You can avail such policies in most western countries. In the event that an aircraft evacuation is required, No Roads Expeditions will undertake to arrange the evacuation on the condition that the expenses will be reimbursed by the passenger before departing the country. You can obtain the correct insurance, assured you will be covered for evacuation through our website at www.noroads.com.au

Please bring 2 copies of your Travel Insurance Certificate to Peru to give to your Guide. Please make sure you also carry a copy for yourself whilst travelling.  

If you should receive an injury 12 months prior to your travel date, you must contact the insurance company with details to ensure you are covered for this injury whilst travelling. Should you not do this and you require medical assistance for this injury whilst travelling you may not be covered by the insurance company.

Note: Accidents caused by the inappropriate consumption of alcohol or drugs may void your travel insurance.

COVID 19 Insurance Disruption: COVID has affected all of us and it is no different for the travel insurance market. Providers had to deal with an unprecedented amount of claims and as a result, many of them had to undertake procedure changes.

During this process, No Roads has reviewed the insurance policies of different providers to ensure we can offer our guests the best options on the market and you are covered adequately.
We are currently in the process of finalising an alliance with a new provider and will be able to sell domestic and international travel insurance to all of our guests again soon.

For all other nationalities please explore insurance providers in your country.

Again, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask info@noroads.com.au.

Getting There and Away


Cuzco, the gateway to the Sacred Valley and the Inca Trail, Lares, Salkantay & Choquequirao treks, is well served by LATAM to connect international travellers.

Alternatively, the capital city of Lima, is served by a variety of carriers, including many from Europe and North America (from here a short domestic flight, or a bus service can be utlised to reach Cusco).

From Australia, all flights to South America depart from the East coast, with transits in Santiago or Auckland (depending on the carrier) common.

Domestic Flights


Should you not book a flight inclusive of your Cusco connection, there are usually multiple services across a variety of carriers per day.

Be aware, not every fare will include a baggage allowance, and as a domestic fare, what baggage allowance there may be is often much less than that of an international booking (sometimes 15-20kg as opposed to the 30-40kg your international journey may allow).


Travelers whose itineraries will take them above an altitude of 1,829-2,438 m (6,000-8,000 ft) should be aware of the risk of altitude illness. Travelers are exposed to higher altitudes in a number of ways: by flying into a high-altitude city, by driving to a high-altitude destination, or by hiking or climbing in high mountains. Examples of high-altitude cities with airports are Cuzco, Peru (3,000 m; 11,000 ft); La Paz, Bolivia (3,444 m; 11,300 ft); or Lhasa, Tibet (3,749 m; 12,500 ft).

Travelers differ considerably in their susceptibility to altitude illness, and there are currently no screening tests that predict whether someone is at greater risk for altitude illness. Susceptibility to altitude illness appears to be inherent in some way and is not affected by training or physical fitness. How a traveler has responded in the past to exposure to high altitude is the most reliable guide for future trips but is not infallible.

Travelers with underlying medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, myocardial ischemia (angina), sickle cell disease, or any form of pulmonary insufficiency, should be advised to consult a doctor familiar with high-altitude illness before undertaking such travel. The risk of new ischemic heart disease in previously healthy travelers does not appear to be increased at high altitudes.

Altitude illness is divided into three syndromes: acute mountain sickness (AMS), high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE), and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). AMS is the most common form of altitude illness and, while it can occur at altitudes as low as 1,219-1,829 m (4,000-6,000 ft), most often it occurs in abrupt ascents to >2,743 meters (>9,000 ft). The symptoms resemble those of an alcohol hangover: headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, and, occasionally, vomiting. The onset of AMS is delayed, usually beginning 6-12 hours after arrival at a higher altitude, but occasionally >24 hours after ascent.

HACE is considered a severe progression of AMS. In addition to the AMS symptoms, lethargy becomes profound, confusion can manifest, and ataxia will be demonstrated during the tandem gait test. A traveler who fails the tandem gait test has HACE by definition, and immediate descent is mandatory.

HAPE can occur by itself or in conjunction with HACE. The initial symptoms are increased breathlessness with exertion, and eventually increased breathlessness at rest. The diagnosis can usually be made when breathlessness fails to resolve after several minutes of rest. At this point, it is critical to descend to a lower altitude. HAPE can be more rapidly fatal than HACE.

Determining an itinerary that will avoid any occurrence of altitude illness is difficult because of variations in individual susceptibility, as well as in starting points and terrain. The main point of instructing travelers about altitude illness is not to prevent any possibility of altitude illness, but to prevent the person from dying of altitude illness. The onset of symptoms and clinical course are slow enough and predictable enough that there is no reason for someone to die from altitude illness unless trapped by weather or geography in a situation in which descent is impossible. The three rules that travelers should be made aware of to prevent death from altitude illness are:

  • Learn the early symptoms of altitude illness and be willing to admit that you have them.

  • Never ascend to sleep at a higher altitude when experiencing any of the symptoms of altitude illness, no matter how minor they seem.

  • Descend if the symptoms become worse while resting at the same altitude.

Studies have shown that travelers who are on organized group treks to high-altitude locations are more likely to die of altitude illness than travelers who are by themselves. This is most likely the result of group pressure (whether perceived or real) and a fixed itinerary. The most important aspect of preventing severe altitude illness is to refrain from further ascent until all symptoms of altitude illness have disappeared.

Children are as susceptible to altitude illness as adults, and young children who cannot talk can show very nonspecific symptoms, such as loss of appetite and irritability. There are no studies or case reports of harm to a fetus if the mother travels briefly to high altitude during pregnancy. However, most authorities recommend that pregnant women stay below 3,658 m (12,000 ft) if possible.

Three medications have been shown to be useful in the prevention and treatment of altitude illness. Acetazolamide (Diamox; Lederle Pharmaceutical, Pearl River, NY) can prevent AMS when taken before ascent and can speed recovery if taken after symptoms have developed. The drug appears to work by acidifying the blood, which causes an increase in respiration and thus aids in acclimatization. An effective dose that minimizes the common side effects of increased urination, along with paresthesias of the fingers and toes, is 125 mg every 12 hours, beginning the day of ascent. However, most clinical trials have been done with higher doses of 250 mg two or three times a day. Allergic reactions to acetazolamide are extremely rare, but the drug is related to sulfonamides and should not be used by sulfa-allergic persons, unless a trial dose is taken in a safe environment before travel.

Dexamethasone has been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of AMS and HACE. The drug prevents or improves symptoms, but there is no evidence that it aids acclimatization. Thus, there is a risk of a sudden onset or worsening of symptoms if the traveler stops taking the drug while ascending. It is preferable for the traveler to use acetazolamide to prevent AMS while ascending and to reserve the use of dexamethasone to treat symptoms while trying to descend. The dosage for both indications is 4 mg every 6 hours.

Nifedipine has been shown to prevent and ameliorate HAPE in persons who are particularly susceptible to HAPE. The dosage is 10-20 mg every 8 hours.

Newer medications have recently been tried to help prevent AMS and HAPE. In two small trials, gingko biloba, an herbal remedy, was shown to reduce the symptoms of AMS when taken before ascent. Gingko has not yet been compared with acetazolamide, although a study is planned. Inhaled salmeterol (a beta-adrenergic agonist) was demonstrated to help prevent HAPE in a small group of climbers who had previously shown susceptibility to HAPE. Whether salmeterol will prove beneficial in a more general population remains to be seen. The mechanism of action of salmeterol suggests that it could be of benefit in treating already established HAPE, but there are no studies yet to confirm this.

For most travelers, the best way to avoid altitude illness is to plan a gradual ascent, with extra rest days at intermediate altitudes. If this is not possible, acetazolamide may be used prophylactically, and dexamethasone and nifedipine may be carried for emergencies.

No Roads Expeditions trip itineraries have been professionally designed to minimize the affects of altitude sickness. Extensive medical kits are carried on all our trips. In addition, Portable Altitude Chamber (a life saving device in case of AMS) is being carried as precautions on high altitude treks and climbing expeditions. All our group leaders / guides are well trained in Wilderness First Aid Course to recognize any symptoms and to act accordingly on the very spot.

Packing for Trekking


During your trek you will only carry a day pack. Your luggage will either be transfered by car, horse or porter depending on what trip you have booked. With this in mind, please try and pack as light and efficiently as possible. 

The luggage that is transferred for you during the day should be packed in a duffle bag or a large sports bag. Suitcases are not recommended.

In your day pack you will carry water, a rain coat, some snacks that will be given to you at the start of the day and whatever you would like to take.


To sleep on, No Roads will supply Thermarest sleep pads. To sleep in, we suggest you bring a Sleeping bag (rated to at least -5°C).

If you’re unable to obtain, or don’t wish to carry one from home, they can be hired locally for $10 per day


Ultimately you want to be comfortable. Consult our recommended packing list, but above, try to ensure that what you were during your trek, is not being worn for the first time!

Nothing is worth than being on the trail and discovering there that your brand new boots give you blisters…


Camera film, Spare camera batteries, lens cleaner & paper.- A small supply of favorite snacks – bigger supply for longer and remote area trips.

If you have any questions regarding the above list or any other items that you want to ask about please contact us. We can provide you additional information at any time.

  • Passport
  • Insurance Papers (3 copies)
  • Tourist Visa
  • International Airtickets
  • Comfortable clothes for travel   
  • Plastic Zip Lock bags for paperwork
  • Smart clothes for nightlife
  • Trekking trousers 
  • T-shirts – long-sleeved
  • Waterproof coat & trousers (poncho)  
  • Good, well worn-in walking boots
  • A warm fleece or down jacket     
  • Thermal underwear
  • After-trek trousers & t-shirt 
  • Additional Energy or Snack Food
  • After-trek shoes (sandals)
  • Warm hat & scarf    
  • Sweater (Available in Cusco)
  • Sleeping bag (-5°C)  (This can be hired for $10 per day)   
  • Travel Pillow
  • Spare bootlaces
  • Socks/underwear 
  • Warm bed-clothes
  • Large waterproof kit bag/duffel bag
  • Day Pack & rain-cover
  • Trekking-poles & biking gloves  
  • Water bottle   
  • Sunglasses & retaining string  
  • Sun-hat
  • Swimsuit    
  • Small towel
  • Head torch & spare batteries 
  • Book, notepaper & pen (optional)
  • Suntan lotion factor 50 + / After sun
  • Lip balm
  • Binoculars (optional) 
  • Camera
  • Sleeping bag liner (optional)
  • Insect Repellent 
  • Money belt (optional)
  • Headlamp or Torch
  • Toiletries
  • Quick-dry towel
  • Earplugs (optional)
  • Personal first aid kit to include: painkillers, plasters (band-aids), moleskin, anti-septic cream, after-bite, anti-diarrhoea tablets, throat lozenges, re-hydration salts & personal medication.  (No Roads Expeditions carries an extensive first aid kit & Oxygen on all trips, but these are generally for emergencies only)

Supplied Equipment

  • Two-person tent
  • Thermarest sleeping pads
  • Extensive First-aid kit including Oxygen
  • All eating and drinking equipment
  • Dining, cooking and toilet tents

All trekkers should make special effort to get in top physical condition for the trip they have signed for.


All trekkers must make special efforts to get in top physical condition for the trip they have signed for. Every participant should consult a physician well before the expedition date and make sure that they do not suffer from any chronic heart, lungs, cerebral, physical or any other serious illness. As your service provider and hosts, we will take all necessary steps needed to evacuate injured or ill clients on the understanding that all costs involved will be paid to us before leaving the country (see Insurance).

The following is a basic training regime for the next few months. You do not need to be superman to complete the expedition but the fitter you are the more enjoyable you will find it. All members should be either walking or jogging everyday, where possible. Resistance and endurance training (i.e.: stair climbing, hills, inclines and anything that goes in the upward direction). At least 1/2 an hour per day should be a minimum.

To make jogging / walking interesting try the local parks or the odd mountain or three. Also invite a friend along, that way both of you will benefit from the exercise and you have someone to talk to.

Upper body strength is also important. A person with overall muscle tone is going to be far better off than someone who has sculpted their body for aesthetics. For those without access to gyms, pushups and sit-ups and chin-ups are excellent. All can be done at home or when you are out jogging.

Below is a small exercise regime, which will condition and tone muscle groups necessary to enable you to cope with the rigors of altitude trekking.

Sit-ups: repetitions of 20 daily – increasing by 5 at the beginning of each week – max level 50

Pushups: repetitions of 10 daily – increasing by 5 at the beginning of each week – max level 100

Chin-ups: repetitions of 5 daily – increasing by 5 at the beginning of each week – max level 30

If you have a gym at your disposal then aerobic exercise, boxercise and the like are all excellent ways to increase your oxygen intake capacity and muscle fitness. Swimming is a low-impact exercise but has the same benefits as aerobic exercise. If you don’t like to perspire then give swimming a try.

The secret is to do exercises that simulate what the expedition will be like, so hiking with a pack up and down hills for a few hours is ideal. We all have busy lifestyles so if this is not possible, a hike into the hills every 2 or 3 weeks would be beneficial.

We hope this helps you all enjoy your time on the expedition.

The following are suggested walks for various places around Australia that will help with your training.


Waterfall Gully to Mt Lofty is a good start; twice up and down in around 200 minutes. About 15 minutes up; its narrow and very steep. 3 times up and down or a couple up and then along Long Ridge to Mt Lofty summit and back is a good work out.

Another great walk is the Onkaparinga Gorge Loop Trail and Lookout, Sundews Ridge Hike. It’s a Grade 3 Moderate walk for about 2 hours but you can extend it onto other Tracks.

Click below to a link that explains this walk and other great walks in South Australia.


In the north suburbs near the airport and botanical gardens is the “red arrow” walk (45 minutes – up & down) and at the top is the ‘blue arrow’ walk (150 minutes – up & around). Great walk to do with a pack. You can also go on the Green arrow walk to Whitfield.

Up the Redlynch valley is the Crystal Cascades walking track (120 minutes – up & down). In the southern suburbs in Bayview Heights (top of Crest Close) is the Copperlode Dam walking track (200 minutes). At Gordonvale in the south is the Pyramid Mountain walk (380 minutes – up & down). 


Castle hill is a good track, but is short and can be done several times from different directions with tracks leading onto each other.


Mt Archer has a good short walk that can be done from several different sides.

Brisbane & Sunshine Coast

The “Hinterland Great Walk” – Maleny to Mapleton. This is 58 km overall but is broken into 5 different circuits you can do. There are ample good climbs for the legs. Great multi day walking.

Mt Cooroora at Pomona (just north of Noosa). The hardest climb but probably not long enough. Walking this twice is a really good training walk. Very steep and challenging with a full pack.

Mt Coolum. This is also an honest climb but a little short and the descent is quite easy. You can walk up from the carpark and there is another trail that goes over the back of the mountain back down. Then walk back up and then walk back down to carpark.

Glasshouse Mountains – There are plenty of walks out there, such as Mt Tibrogargan. You can do a fairly basic long-distance walk before a steep ascent up the mountain. 

Within Caloundra, there is a boardwalk (mostly flat) that stretches for miles in both directions.

Gold Coast Hinterland

Springbrook national park

Mt Cougal and Springbrook pinnacle are good walks for testing yourself on tougher terrain.


There are several good walks around Melbourne for training.

In the Dandenongs are the 1000 Steps (45 mins up and back) at Upper Ferntree Gully and the Glasgow Track (45 minutes up and back) at the end of Glasgow Rd in Montrose.

Other more out of town walks are the You Yangs (2-3hrs walking) out of Geelong, Mt Macedon (2-4 hrs walking) north of Melbourne, Mt Martha (2-3hrs walking) on the Mornington Peninsula and Mt Donna Buang (5hrs walking) near Warburton. This last one is the best for Kokoda and is only 1 to 1.5 hrs from Melbourne.


There are plenty of walks around Sydney that are perfect for training. These are a few ideas.

Berowra Waters along the Great North Walk. A very enjoyable and scenic 17 km walk. Together with a few steep climbs the trail is very good.

Blue Mountains at Glenbrook. This is a trek/scramble/bushbash/mountain climb/hike through the Glenbrook Gorge, up the mountain side to Portal Lookout and back along the trails over the Causeway and back to the gates of the National Park. Fantastic scenery along the way. Along the way there are several sections (like creek crossings and rock walls) that will require a bit of teamwork.

Ku-ring-gai National Park. Start at the Gibberong Track Wahroonga and walk down to Bobbin Head. From there walk back up the Bobbin Head track, back down the Sphinx Track and along the Warrimoo Track back to Bobbin Head for lunch. From there walk around to Apple Tree bay and then head out of the park via Birrawanna and Kalkari Tracks. Should take about 5 hours plus lunch. It will mean leaving cars at both Wahroonga and Mount Colah.

Walk from Patonga to Mt Wondabyne Station on the Great North Walk (18 km). It should take about 4 to 5 hours to walk this section. Arrive at Mt Wondabyne Station.

Depending on the time, you can do another return walk from the Station towards Pindar Caves & Pool. This walk return is about 11kms. Catch the train from Wondabyne Station back to Brooklyn. The train leaves on the half-hour every hour.

Meet at the “Explorer’s Tree” in Katoomba. This tree is on the Great Western Highway, on your left just west of Katoomba. Look for Nellies Glen Road on your left. There is parking available. The walk is approx 15.5kms each way. The elevation change is 800m each way. The walk down should take approx 3 1/2 hrs. Plan to spend no more than one hour at Cox’s river for lunch and swim before heading back up. Please bring your cozies and towel if keen for a dip. The walk back up should take 5 to 6 hrs and have you back between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. Be sure to bring plenty of food and drink. Water is available from Cox’s river at the bottom. You will need lots of energy for this walk so it is important to keep eating and drinking along the way.


Stockyard Spur Day Hike is a 13km hike in Namadgi National Park. This trek takes around 4 hours to complete and has quite a steep incline for the first 2km and then becomes more undulating for the remainder to the summit. This is a grade 4 walk that helps to prepare you for the many steep inclines and declines that you will come across along the way to Machu Picchu.

You begin this trek at Corin Dam Car Park.

Mt Tennent is a 15km hike starting at Namadgi Visitor Centre after hours car park. This hike can take up to six hours to complete and is a challenging trek. This trek is undulating with steep sections. It is a popular hiking track.


A valid Covid-19 vaccination is currently required for entry to Peru. You should also consider typhoid and hepatitis vaccinations and make sure your tetanus cover is up to date. Please consult your doctor on these matters.

COVID 19: To protect yourself, fellow guests and our team, a full COVID-19 vaccination status is a mandatory requirement to participate in any of our expeditions.

Typhoid: Recommended for Peru. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Hepatitis A: Recommended for Peru. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Influenza: Recommended for Peru. Most common vaccine preventable illness in travellers. Vaccine recommended, effective for 1 year.

Hepatitis B: Recommended for Peru. Ideally 2 months before travel.

Yellow fever: Certificate of vaccination is not required for entry into Peru. Not recommended for travellers whose itineraries are limited to the following areas: all areas above 2300 m altitude, areas west of the Andes not listed above, the cities of Cuzco and Lima, Machu Picchu, and the Inca Trail. Recommended if travelling anywhere else. Ideally 10 days before travel.

Malaria: Consider this seriously. This is largely only if you are also visiting the Peruvian Amazon in the Loreto Department

Plan ahead for getting your vaccinations. Some of them require an initial shot followed by a booster, while some vaccinations should not be given together. This also applies to some malaria prophylactics, which have to be begun at least a week before you leave home.


Most plumbing in Peru leaves a lot to be desired. Visitors should drink only bottled water, which is widely available. Do not drink tap water, even in major hotels, and try to avoid drinks with ice.

Note: However, no matter how safe the water may be, we insist that all trekkers use either water purification tablets such as Aquatab (iodine) or Steri Pen.


On top of the normal health considerations, women are advised to bring a tube of Canesten and an applicator. The Canesten is used for the treatment of thrush (which can be very painful if left untreated) and can be applied to both internal and external thrush. 

Prescriptions can be filled at farmacias and boticas; it’s best to know the generic name of your drug, however, to save time and possible confusion, it is recommended you bring most of your medicinal and sanitary needs with you. 


You may be asking what is this?

The dreaded Pumahuacachi ‘The one that makes the puma cry’, is a very small sand fly that you cannot detect biting you, but you will know later with a welting of the skin and itching.

Found in various places along the trail, the best ways to protect oneself from them is:

  • Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants
  • Wear insect repellent with a high DEET factor. (Reports on its effectiveness are mixed)
  • There is a local repellent that can be purchased in Cusco that is apparently very effective


All trekkers are recommended to carry a personal first aid kit with medicines for common ailments, cuts and bruises, pain killers, etc. Anyone using any prescription medicines regularly should carry a supply for the whole duration of their expedition. Please consult your doctor and include items and medicines that may be required for you or for the area you are traveling in. No Roads does not supply any medicines and takes no legal responsibility for any medical treatment or professional medical support to our clients.

We will do everything we can to support guests that have disclosed a medical condition, allergy or anaphylaxis, by informing all in country personnel and ensuring reasonable provisions are made. We do however, suggest and encourage all guests in this situation to assist us by reconfirming this information in situations or instances where it may be required to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable adventure experience.

*If you have something you are particularly prone to such as ear infections, sinus problems or mild asthma bring what you need with you.

The No Roads Guide will be carrying an extensive Wilderness First Aid Kit.

Your personal first aid kit should contain:

Band aids, Paracetamol, Deep Heat or other muscle liniment, Blister pads, Crepe bandages, Antibiotic cream for cuts and scratches, ‘Imodium’ tablets, Strapping tape (for knees and ankles), Anti chaffing cream e.g. Pawpaw cream, Foot powder, Waterless hand disinfectant, Anti-malarial drugs (see your doctor. This is largely only if you are also visiting the Peruvian Amazon in the Loreto Department), Anti-inflammatory cream, Broad-spectrum antibiotic tablets, Anti-Nausea Tablets.


In Peru, the currency is the Soles. For a typical trip, we suggest bringing between $500 and $700 with you. This money can be exchanged at banks, exchange vendors (look for Casa de Cambio) in Cusco or in Lima.

Alternatively, you can use your ATM card to withdraw Soles from ATMs in either town. These funds will be used for tips, food not covered in the trek cost, and souvenirs.

Of course, this is just a guide and depends on what you are thinking about doing before and after the trek.


Tipping in many countries can be a problem and can add a great deal of stress to your holiday. Remember Tipping is entirely voluntary and how much you give depends on how you feel about the service you have received, and also how much you can realistically afford.

For greater context for how much of a difference you may be making, Peru has a minimum salary of 800 Nuevo Soles (US$300) monthly for a 6 day 48 hour week. However, in many of the lower-paid jobs (eg waiters, porters etc) this is not always enforced.

2.50 Peruvian Soles are roughly the equivalent of GBP 60p, USD$1 and 1 Euro.

The following may be useful as a rough guide:

Airport porters*

Minimum 1-3 Soles per bag (compulsory)

Hotel staff

1-2 Sole per bag / per breakfast

Transfer drivers

Generally not expected


10-50 Soles per day total from the group

Specialist guides

US$20-50  per day total from the group

Assistant Guides

US$10-25 per day total from Group

Inca trail support staff

100-300 soles per client, pooled and divided

Other treks support staff

25-50 soles/ per client per day pooled and divided

Tour Conductors

US$10-50 per day total from the group


5-15% for adequate to excellent food and service

* This is not a tip as these people make their living by carrying your luggage from the carousel to your vehicle.


Many of the places you will visit are pristine. As travelers, we should try to have as little impact on these natural environments as possible. As such we recommend the following:

  • Please do not dispose of plastic bags and wrappers along the trail. These may be put in your backpack and disposed of at your local hotel at the end of the day.
  • Follow the well-marked walking trail (for both your safety and to maintain the integrity of the landscape). 
  •  Do not touch or fed any wildlife spotted on the way as you might cause severe harm to the animal.

By abiding by these simple guidelines, you will be protecting the local environment for the people who live there and for their children’s children.


Peru runs on 220 Volt power. They use either a 2 round prong or 2 flat prong outlets.

If you have 3 prongs or 2 prong angled appliances you will need to bring an adaptor.


Please ask our representative for the time and location of your trip pre-departure meeting. Please bring with you a copy of your passport, a copy of your insurance details, please remember any medical or dietary requirements and any outstanding payments in cash.

  • How to walk.
  • Lodging, meals, and other conditions while on expedition.
  • Security and safety.
  • Tipping.
  • Evacuation Procedures.
  • Cultural and Environmental Considerations.
  • Other relevant information.

Please make sure you have all the items on the packing checklist before you travel to the airport for your flight to Peru.


You are now at an altitude of 3300m. Take it easy for a few days while your body adjusts to the lack of pressure and oxygen. Slight headaches, sleeplessness, dizziness, breathlessness, and confusion are common. Take Mate de Coca (Coca leaf tea) and a painkiller, avoid large meals, alcohol, smoking, and stop if you overexerting yourself. Severe headaches, severe noisy breathing, and unconsciousness are not common – get help immediately you have severe altitude sickness.

Please drink only bottled water to avoid any stomach problems.

Please do not put toilet paper down the toilets as it blocks them. Use the bins provided.

Pickpockets are present in Cusco. Please look after your valuables and do not leave temptation in any hotel room, tent, taxi, restaurant, and especially in the markets. Please use the safe in the hotel.

Take official taxis after dark. Official taxis have hexagonal badges in the windscreen and preferably with telephone number light boards mounted on the roof.


Hello ~ Hola ~ o.la
Goodbye ~ Adios ~ a.dyos
How are you? ~ Que tal? ~ ke tal
Fine thanks~ Bien gracias ~ byen gra.syas
Excuse me ~ Perdon ~ per.don
Sorry ~ Lo siento ~ lo syen.to
Please ~ Por favor ~ por fa.vor
You are welcome ~ De nada ~ de na.da
Yes ~ Si ~ see
No ~ No ~ no


My name is ~ Me llamo ~ me ya.mo
Do you speak English? ~ Habla ingles? ~ a.bla een.gles

PHRASES (continued…)

I don’t understand ~ No entiendo ~ no en.tiyen.do
Where is..? ~ Donde esta..? ~ don.de es.ta
The bill please ~ La cuenta por favor ~ la kwen.ta por fa.vor
Cheers! (To your health) ~ Salud! ~ sa.loo
How much is it? ~ Cuanto cuesta? ~ kwan.to kews.ta
That’s too expensive ~ Es muy caro ~ es mooy ka.ro 


Open ~ Abierto
Closed ~ Cerrado
Entrada ~ Entrance
Exit ~ Salida
Toilet ~ Banos

Our Contact Phones & Address

Pease make sure to carry our full address with contact numbers (given at the end of this message) in case you need to contact us for any reason.


In Australia Office : (03) 95988581

24 Hr Access Peter Miller : + 61 425 726 623 Irene Miller: + 61 430 705 222