Welcome to the start of your Local Led Kokoda trek!

“Knowledge is only a rumor until it is in the muscle.” ― Papua New Guinea Proverb

Our team at No Roads Expeditions has prepared for you the most comprehensive, dedicated Kokoda Track trekking preparation site on the web, with over a hundred pages of information (sure, we’re blowing our own trumpet a bit here, but when it comes to Kokoda and PNG we are PASSIONATE)!

There is no better resource as it draws upon the experience of thousands of trekkers and our highly skilled team of guides and expedition leaders who have trekked along the Kokoda Track and understand what you need to know. We highly recommend that you visit this site.

Additionally, our Pre-departure and General information documentation contains the answers to many of your questions and is extremely helpful in planning your trip. Downloadable versions of both can be found here, on the left-hand side of the page.

This is a LOT of information (we’re nothing if not thorough) and we appreciate that not everyone has the time to get through it all. Worry not. Shoot us an email or give us a quick call and we’ll give you an answer to any question as fast as humanly possible (if not faster).

Prepare yourself for 9 days (ok 1 day is a rest) of intense, but oh so rewarding trekking across the historic track, home to some of the warmest and most amazing people!

Our local guides will certainly share their wealth of knowledge (there are some things only those who live there know), and there is little doubt that by treks end, it will certainly be “in the muscle”!


The local Koiari people, on first impression, can come across as a bit shy. Remember, for the majority of these already softly spoken people, English is a second language.

They are, however, once they get to know you, and you them, a very proud, knowledgable and even quite mischievous people!

It is a rewarding experience being led through these lands, by the very people who are born and raised here, being invited into their villages and homes, and experiencing a small taste of their culture and way of life.

Greetings from PNG

In 2019, we assisted over 300 people to get on the Kokoda Track walking a total of 29,568 kilometres (that's further than Melbourne to Mexico City return)!

 “To be able to bring well known Australians through the villages along the Kokoda Track brought a lot of happiness to me and my family”Terrance David, Kokoda local & our PNG Operations Manager

In the true Kokoda Tradition, our PNG treks are a collaboration of both our Australian and local teams. Like our forefathers, we rely on the service and hospitality afforded to us by the people of the Kokoda Track. Just like their fathers before them, the people of the Kokoda Track look after us as we cross the Owen Stanley Ranges. 

The onus now rests on you and I (all of us) to ensure that we continue to be grateful and respectful guests, to honour the relationships forged in generations past.

Guest Portal

You can update all your personal information directly in our Guest’s Portal. There, you can add your Insurance, Flight Details, and anything else we need for the trip. When you first click on the link you will be asked to reset your password. Please use the same email address you used for your booking.

The world’s only known (living) poisonous bird, the Hooded Pitohui is native to Papua New Guinea (don't worry, we make sure it stays off of your camp menu... unless your group votes otherwise)!

Your Journey

Day 1: Arrive in Port Moresby and Transfer to the hotel. Afternoon briefing with Guide.
Day 2: Early morning and drive to Owers Corner for the start of Expedition. Overnight in Vuale Creek.
Day 3: Trek from Vuale to Ofi Creek.
Day 4: Ofi Creek to Menari.
Day 5: Menari to Kagi via Brigade Hill.
Day 6: Rest day in Kagi Village
Day 7: Kagi to Templeton’s One via Nadoori
Day 8: Templeton’s One to Eora Creek
Day 9: Eora Creek to New Isurava via Isurava Battlefield.
Day 10: New Isurava to Kokoda via Deniki for our flight back to Port Moresby.
Day 11: Port Moresby to your next destination  


PNG has only been an independent nation since 1975. Prior to this it was subjected to German, British and Australian rule or administration.

Fitness is perhaps the key factor in any trek.

Most people of average fitness for their age could complete most of our treks. Take your time, set your own pace, and enjoy the incredible surroundings.

Most first-time trekkers are concerned that they won’t keep up. They soon discover that a steady and moderate pace will have them in their destination much faster than originally expected.

These treks are not training runs for the fit, but walking holidays for people of all ages, however, the fitter you are, the more you will enjoy it, and you will have enough energy for extra activities.

The best physical preparation for a trekking and climbing trip is to walk.

Start today. Walk on paths that go up and down, or on hills and steps for 30 or 40 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. 

Carry your day pack and wear the boots you plan to wear on the trek around 3 – 4 weeks before your arrival to Peru.

Jogging, swimming, gym work you do additional, are all very helpful.

Regularly within Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland (we’re constantly working to try and get guides in other states on board as well), we’ll have a variety of guides and trekkers get to know one another whilst working on their fitness and sharing advice on monthly weekend walks.

For information on any upcoming walks, please keep an eye out on our Upcoming Events

NOTE: Every participant should consult a physician well before the expedition date and make sure that they do not suffer from any chronic heart, lungs, cerebral, physical or any other serious illness.

As your service provider and hosts, we will take all necessary steps needed to evacuate injured or ill clients on the understanding that all costs involved will be paid to us before leaving the country (See We’ve got you covered below).

If you already have a frequent training regime, have a higher-than-average fitness level, and already have a few hikes under your belt, check out our Self-Guided Training Program.

Being part of the No Roads Family also gives you access to our On-Demand Trekking Preparation Program, exclusively curated by one of our Guides and Personal Trainers to get you in perfect shape for your trip, at a special discounted rate.

Looking for more training options and ideas for your upcoming trek? Click on the link to visit our exclusive training page for recommendations and suggestions.


The rest day aside, this expedition is all about early starts (although if you are that keen, you’re still welcome to rise early).

After a brief breakfast as the team pack up camp, we’ll hit the track, whether it be sunshine or monsoonal rains (on occasion, it could be both in the same hour)!

Pick any day, and there’s usually going to be a pretty steep climb to get the blood pumping and the sweat flowing.

It can be challenging at times, as often boots and/or socks haven’t had time to dry, so it can certainly take some getting used to.

There’s usually a brief break for morning tea (perhaps a cup of tea and a biscuit), however at times the group may have good momentum and simply want a breather, or the weather may be too poor for anyone to want to stop!

Most lunches, there’ll be the chance to sit under a shelter (in a village or campsite along the trail), where we’ll generally be served a hot lunch before the final afternoon slog!

Some days can be done and dusted in 7 or 8 hours of walking.

Others, you may stagger into camp, leg-weary and sweat-drenched after an 11 hour day!

But for the odd occasion, the camp will at least be sitting there, ready and waiting!

No Roads Kokoda Elevation Map


Port Moresby's Jacksons International Airport was named after the late RAAF servant John F. Jackson, a Squadron Leader and flying ace, killed in action during April 1942.

Think of us, the friendly and professional No Roads Expeditions team, as your ONE STOP SHOP for all aspects of your expedition! 

With the volume of departures over the trekking season, at certain times of the year, we’re booking flights from Australia to Port Moresby on a daily basis for a combination of Guides and Guests!

Simply specify from which city you’d like to fly (if it isn’t already obvious to us), and we’ll start to look at flights for either yourself or potentially your entire group!


Upon your arrival, please go through to collect checked luggage and security, then proceed out the EXIT door. Outside you will see many people waiting for arriving passengers. Our operations staff will be there wearing a No Roads Expeditions Tshirt. Please go direct to him/her and introduce yourself. You will be taken straight to your hotel, issued rooms, time for Expedition Briefing etc.

Please do let us know if there are any last-minute changes to your arrival time!

Regardless of where you’re flying from (departing Australia), services will almost always require a transit via Brisbane, or on occasion Cairns.

If there’s anything specific you feel we need to know before we get flights costed for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via info@noroads.com.au 

Our historical connection to the country is apparent as soon as you touch down!


Flights to Popondetta operate every day with both a morning and an afternoon flight. The flight usually takes about 45 minutes. A 12 kg luggage limit also applies. A three-hour PMV (Public Motor Vehicle) journey is then required to get to the village of Kokoda (this can be a bumpy affair). We will start the trek on the same day, most likely getting to Hoi but striving for Deniki.

We recommend you bring a fresh set of clothes to leave in Port Moresby during the expedition. This way you will have a clean set of clothes to change into when you return from the Track.

NOTE: We suggest you always wear your hiking boots and carry with you any required medications on this flight to ensure there is NO chance of them getting lost or misplaced.


During the Kokoda campaign, over 4,000 soldiers suffered from tropical diseases!

Visa Information

PNG Tourist Visa:

Australian Passport Holders wishing to visit PNG for tourism purposes are able to obtain a tourist Easy Visitor Permit (Electronic Visa) for their visit https://evisa.ica.gov.pg/evisa/account/apply. This tourist visa will be valid for 30 days only (unless a longer period is selected).

Please ensure you bring a printed copy of your approved Visa, as it is quite common for an electronic version to be rejected.

Applicants must have the following to obtain the visa:

·         Australian passport valid for more than 6 months (a copy of the main page, top to bottom)

·         Show evidence of funds (bank statement or evidence of bank account balance)

·         A completed copy of the Cover Letter (please make sure you enter the dates applicable to your trip)

NOTE: The PNG bureaucratic process can be VERY slow at times. To avoid stress, please start your Visa application process ASAP (ideally months before departure).


Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance is a requirement for all guests travelling on our expeditions. Once you have booked on an expedition we suggest booking your travel insurance as soon as possible to protect your investment. Trip cancellation insurance will reimburse you for any non-recoverable air or land expenses should you have to cancel your trip due to personal or family illness or leave the expedition early due to other reasons. For our Australian guests, we are offering policies from NIB Travel for adequate cover, and you can contact our office direct, via phone or email, to obtain an insurance quote from us.

For guests travelling with us from outside Australia, please check Travel Insurance options within your Country.

If you should receive an injury 12 months prior to your travel date, you must contact the Insurance Company with details to ensure you are covered for this injury whilst travelling. Should you not do this and require medical assistance for this injury whilst travelling you may not be covered by the insurance company.

In the event that an aircraft evacuation is required, No Roads Expeditions will undertake to arrange the evacuation on the condition that the expenses are reimbursed by the passenger before departing the Country.

Note: Accidents caused by the inappropriate consumption of alcohol or drugs may void your travel insurance.

Get a Quote

While we don’t anticipate any uninvited medical disruptions during your trek, No Roads wants to keep your mind at ease and help you get adequate assistance and cover for your well-earned time away. It is extremely important that we ensure you’re covered during your great alpine experience.

We are able to provide you with Travel Insurance for your trip, allowing you to tick this off your ‘To-Do Lis”t as soon as possible. (We strongly recommend that you take out baggage loss and accident insurance)!

Already have a trusted insurance provider?

That’s no problem at all, our primary concern is that you have adequate cover.

Got a Pre-Existing Condition?

Simply call our Insurance Team and quote the reference number we provide you with and they’ll complete an assessment on your behalf. In many cases, there is no additional premium that needs to be paid! Many common conditions are also automatically covered. 

In the event that an aircraft evacuation is required, No Roads Expeditions will undertake to arrange the evacuation on the condition that the expenses are reimbursed by the passenger before departing the Country.

Note: Accidents caused by the inappropriate consumption of alcohol or drugs may void your travel insurance.

Again, if you’ve any questions, don’t hesitate to ask info@noroads.com.au.

Things to Remember with Insurance

Insurance contact number:
Please provide the insurance company with a personal number that is actually contactable when you are abroad (an Australian number without global roaming is of little use when the insurance company is attempting to contact you)
Please ensure you travel with:

A Credit Card/Travel Card that can be used internationally. Often, any medical centre or hospital will require payment sooner than some insurance companies will have approved payment (meaning you need to be able to pay them, then seek reimbursement from your insurer).

The international emergency contact number for your insurance company. We will initiate emergency procedures for you, however, it is a far easier process for you to coordinate matters with the insurance company directly (most things we are unable to finalise on your behalf).

Documents to keep on your person, or obtain in event of emergency:

A copy of your flight itinerary with information including – Ticket Number, Airline Reference Number (PNR), Agency Flight Reference Number (if purchased via a travel agency/3rd party as well as contact information for them)

A copy of a Medical report (if you required treatment) and keep copies of all receipts for anything that you have been required to pay.


Remember to travel with a copy of your policy or at least your policy number and provider

In the unlikely event of an emergency No Roads and our local team will try their best to provide the best assistance and support to our injured guests. 
This is why we request you provide us with the following information via your Guest Portal:
– Name of Insurance Company
– Your Insurance Policy Number
– The 24 hour Emergency Assistance number of your Insurance Company
This information is vital for both our head office team, and guides on the trail in ensuring we can provide you access to emergency care in the unlikely event of an accident.


No vaccinations are mandatory for entry to PNG, however, we suggest that you consult your doctor to confirm if any current vaccinations or treatments are required for the area you are travelling to. You should consider cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis vaccinations and make sure your tetanus cover is up to date, however, this should all be discussed with your medical physician.

Plan ahead for getting your vaccinations (seriously, vaccinations are one thing that should NEVER be left until the last minute when TIME can truly be your enemy). Some of them require an initial shot followed by a booster, while some vaccinations should not be given together. This also applies to some malaria prophylactics, which have to be begun at least a week before you leave home.

COVID 19 – Recommended for Papua New Guinea.

Typhoid: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Hepatitis A: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Cholera: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Tuberculosis: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 3 months before travel.

Hepatitis B: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 2 months before travel.

Yellow fever: Certificate of vaccination required if arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 10 days before travel.

Japanese B encephalitis: Recommended for Papua New Guinea. Ideally 1 month before travel.

Malaria: Consider this seriously.

Polio: Recommend a Polio booster. Ideally 4-6 weeks before travel.


Back in the 2nd World War (during their time on the Kokoda track), most of the Militia and 2nd AIF troops had to hunker down in muddied foxholes, often under torrential rains without any shelter from the elements!


Hotel accommodation details : The Hilton Port Moresby Hotel & Residences, Wards Rd, Port Moresby National Capital District Ph: +675 7901 8000


We do our utmost to make you as comfortable as possible when out on the track (at the end of a long days trekking, this is essential), however the reality of the remoteness that is the Owen Stanley range means that you’re not going to be finding a cosy Bed and Breakfast!

Whilst on Kokoda, if you’re like Chris from our PNG team (just ask his partner Sarah who can attest that he regularly snores like a freight train), you may prefer one of our individual tents, perfect for just that little bit of personal space.

If 4 walls and a roof is more to your tastes, then one of the many communal guesthouses might be more to your liking (some people even float between a combination of the two).

As you can see above, a guesthouse is fairly elementary, so you’ll always need your own personal mosquito net to give you a fighting chance against them and other insects at night!

The island of New Guinea is home to the third largest rainforest in the world, behind only the the Amazon and the Congo!

Getting Outfitted


You will carry your own personal backpack all of the way (unless you’re hiring a Personal Guide), so only bring the bare essentials. You should pack your personal gear into a medium size (70 – 80 litre) lightweight pack (preferably waterproof with an internal frame). We encourage you to visit your local outdoor equipment specialist to purchase a proper and comfortable backpack. 

Many find it helpful to pack your personal items in garbage bags or zip lock plastic bags to protect them from the wet, especially your camera, toilet rolls and confectionery.


To sleep ON, No Roads will supply foam sleep mats. These are really only adequate to protect your own thin inflatable mattress. To sleep IN, we suggest you bring a two-season sleeping bag rated at Zero Degrees Celsius.


Most experienced trekkers recommend wearing shorts because they are comfortable and there is one point where you will wade knee-deep through running creeks. Leeches are not really a problem any more.

  •  Passport
  • Insurance Papers (3 copies)
  • Tourist Visa
  • International Airtickets
  • Trek and Hotel Money (approx. 600 kina)
  • Plastic Zip Lock bags for paper work
  • Backpack and backpack cover
  • Daypack and cover if you are employing a Personal Guide
  • Trekking poles
  • Inner pack liner (garbage bag)
  • Waterproof dry bags for clothes
  • 2 or 3-litre Bladder
  • 1-litre water bottle
  • Snack Pack and any other lollies and nuts
  • Additional Energy or Snack Food
  • Electrolyte Powder
  • Short Gaiter
  • Wide brim hat
  • Hiking Shoes or boots
  • Hiking socks (3-7 pairs)
  • Spare bootlaces
  • Sunglasses
  • Small sweat towel
  • Quick-dry shirt long or short sleeve
  • Quick-dry shorts
  • Underwear (4 pairs) Note: consider bike shorts as well
  • Poncho or lightweight rain jacket
  • Sports Bra or Comfortable Bra
  • Sandals with closed-toe (preferably no Crocs or thongs)
  • Lightweight thermal top (optional)
  • Lightweight quick-dry trousers
  • T-shirt or thermal top (to sleep in)
  • Bathers (modest)
  • Beanie (optional)
  • Sarong (optional)
  • Socks for at camp
  • Sleeping Bag 2 Season +5 degrees
  • Sleeping bag liner (optional)
  • Inflatable mattress
  • Pillow Case (optional)
  • Headlamp or Torch
  • Spare batteries for the torch
  • Quick-Dry towel
  • A book or kindle for reading (optional)
  • Earplugs (optional)
  • Clothesline (optional)
  • Mosquito net and 5 m of cord (if you plan to sleep in huts)
  • Multi-tool (optional)
  • Waterproof camera
  • Spare camera batteries
  • Spare camera memory cards
  • Battlefield notes
  • Cable ties to repair equipment


    – Camera, film, camera batteries, lens cleaner & paper.- A small supply of favourite snacks – bigger supply for longer and remote area trips.


    If you have any questions regarding the above list or any other items that you want to ask about please contact us. We can provide you additional information at any time.


    Two person tent (single where requested)

    Thermal foam sleeping mat (this protects your inflatable mat)

    Clothes line and pegs

    All eating and drinking equipment

    Rope line to assist river crossings

    Snack packs (see below)


    You will be provided with a Snack Pack prior to your expedition that will contain:

    5 Soups

    4 Muesli Bars and 3 Nut Mix packets


    10 days of Electrolyte Replacement

    1 No Roads T/shirt

    Please bring these packs on the Track as the soups are often eaten at lunch time or at dinner (sometimes our guests just really feel like something a little bit salty!)

Supplied Equipment

  • Single person tent
  • Foam Sleeping mat (to be used under your inflatable mattress)
  • All eating/dining equipment
  • Tea/ Coffee
  • All food for main meals during the trek

Our friends, your support

Most of our local team come from the village of Kagi, perched high up on the track (at around 1,400m). For this village of approximately 170 people, more than 75% of their income is sourced from tourism based activities!

Without our locally based team, our efforts to deliver for you the most immersive, enjoyable, challenging and rewarding experience quite simply, would not be possible.

The more people we are able to send out on the track, the more meaningful we can make our impact on the local people of the Kokoda Track through greater opportunities to aid in the implemention of improvement projects and chances to offer ongoing employment.

You can read more about our team on the ground here

If you’re interested in making your own contribution, you can hire the services of a personal guide for your trek ($720AUD for the duration of your trek) who will shoulder the burden of carrying your belongings (this way you can trek each day simply carrying a day pack).

We have trekkers who employ them for a number of reasons, be it a fear of not being able to complete the walk carrying their own pack, the desire to be able to focus more on the surrounds, or to simply make their own financial contribution to the local people.

“When this war is over we should raise a memorial in every Australian capital to the New Guinea natives so that we may never forget how much of the white man’s burden was carried by the natives in this roadless jungle warfare … so that we may remember how many Australians owe their lives to the natives who bore the wounded in their stretchers across the tortuous trail to safety.” ― Chester Wilmot

This dedicated crew will be on hand to keep you safe, prepare campsites and meals during stops, lead the group on the trail, and doing anything else possible to assist should the need arise.

NOTE: You will need to supply the guide with your own backpack. Please keep in mind a small space (approximately the size of a loaf of bread) needs to be kept free in your bag for the Guide’s personal effects. Please do not pack your bag to full capacity (a maximum weight of 18kg is allowed). A personal guide cannot be shared between two people.

During this Australian led expedition, your guide will be the prime mover of the group (use them as your go to, they’re there to be a resource for you)!

Each has their own unique personality and area of expertise, be it the health benefits of being out on the track, the ability to give you a real sense of history (expert storytelling abounds, sound effects may be optional), a deep insight into the local people, or perhaps the ability to help you identify each and every bit of local wildlife you might spot.

What every one of them brings is a passion for the track, and you can check them out here.

NOTE: If you’re not keen on purchasing a brand new pack for your trek worry not (we know that for some, this is a once in a lifetime experience… although we hope we can change that view!), we can save you that expense. For $70AUD you can hire a pack, saving you that cash for better things!

Simply reach out to info@noroads.com.au and let us know!


If you would like to show your appreciation to the local team you may show it by providing a tip. A usual tip is approximately 90 Kina or $45, though this is at your discretion. Please give the tips to the Australian Guide who will then distribute them at the last dinner.

Note: The above mentioned tip is distributed to all the General Guides, not to the Personal Guides. If you have a Personal Guide and wish to give him a tip, that will be at your discretion and you can give the tip directly to the Personal Guide.

Please mention particular team members for good or bad performance to the Australian Guide.


We've Got You Covered


All No Roads staff and teams consider guest safety and wellbeing an absolute priority and always follow the travel advice and guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Smartraveller. To further maintain the safety of our travelers, we promote good personal and hand hygiene along with adherence to safe food preparation practices.


We are able to cater to all common special dietary requirements.

Please advise us prior to your departure if you have any food allergies we should be aware of.

The No Roads team will do everything it can to support any trekkers with allergies that might require a special diet, by informing all in-country personnel and ensuring reasonable provisions are made for all meals. We do, however, suggest and encourage all affected guests to assist us by providing this information while travelling in situations or instances where it may be required.


Drinking water along the Kokoda Track is collected from a variety of water sources. Some of the creeks you pass through may be crystal clear, free flowing and safe to drink from. Your guide will know which is which. Some villages have good drinkable water supplies recently installed by AusAID-funded projects.

Note: However, no matter how safe the water may be, we insist that all trekkers use either water purification tablets (iodine) or Steri Pen and always check with your guide before simply topping up your bottle or bladder!

** No Roads Expeditions will provide you with one litre of electrolyte replacement tablets per day (hydralyte), this helps stave off cramping and dehydration.


All trekkers are recommended to carry a personal first aid kit with medicines for common ailments, cuts and bruises, pain killers, etc. Anyone using any prescription medicines regularly should carry a supply for the whole duration of their expedition. Please consult your doctor and include items and medicines that may be required for you or for the area you are travelling in. No Roads does not supply any medicines and takes no legal responsibility for any medical treatment or professional medical support to our clients.

We will do everything we can to support guests that have disclosed a medical condition, allergy, or anaphylaxis, by informing all in-country personnel and ensuring reasonable provisions are made.

We do, however, suggest and encourage all guests in this situation to assist us by reconfirming this information in situations or instances where it may be required to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable adventure experience.

*If you have something you are particularly prone to such as ear infections, sinus problems or mild asthma bring what you need with you.

The No Roads Guide will be carrying an extensive Wilderness First Aid Kit.

Your personal first aid kit should contain:

Band-aids, Paracetamol, Deep Heat or other muscle liniment, Blister pads, Crepe bandages, Antibiotic cream for cuts and scratches, ‘Imodium’ tablets, Strapping tape (for knees and ankles), Anti chaffing cream e.g. Pawpaw cream, Foot powder, Waterless hand disinfectant, Anti-malarial drugs (see your doctor), Anti-inflammatory cream, Broad-spectrum antibiotic tablets, Anti-Nausea Tablets.


On top of the normal health considerations, women are advised to bring a tube of Canesten and an applicator.  The Canesten is used for the treatment of thrush (which can be very painful if left untreated) and can be applied to both internal and external thrush. 

We also recommend that women bring a sarong to wrap around their bathing suits whilst bathing to respect the countries cultural sensitivities.

UXO’s (Unexploded Ordinance)

Despite being home to families (going back generations), the reality remains that this was a hotly contested region between Australian/US forces and the Japanese. 

The fluid nature of many of these engagements meant that ground was on occasion surrendered hurridly and as a result, many weapons of war were simply left behind.

Nature, as resilient as it is, has reclaimed many of these sites, but it does not mean we should not remain diligent as unexploded ordinance can still be found near the track.

NOTE: Always follow the direction of your guides in regard to any UXO encounter. The best rule of thumb is to simply look and never touch and if you happen upon anything yourself, always bring it to the attention of your guide.

Physical Preparation

Over the course of 2019, our guides donated their time and expertise to conduct over a dozen training walks available to ANYONE (yes, open to the public) across such beautiful locations as the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, to the 1000 Steps in Melbourne's outer east!


Training like it is the real deal!

You know what they say (whoever ‘they’ are):

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

The secret is to do exercises that simulate what the expedition will be like, so hiking with a pack up and down hills for a few hours is ideal. Don’t forget to wear in your clothing and walking shoes/boots/socks so you discover any issues with them before it is too late. Wearing in your footwear usually takes several months of walking, not two or three training walks.

Consider training with 15-20kg of weight so that the recommended 12kg on the track will be lighter than what you’re used to. This will offset the strength-sapping impact of PNG’s humidity. If you are planning to use trekking poles, train with them now (they are so common these days, that no one will think that you’re strange).

We all have busy lifestyles so if this is not possible, a hike into the hills every two or three weeks would be beneficial. We believe this will really help you enjoy your time on the expedition.

Never do on the Track what’s not been tested by you (for months) in training.

That is, if you haven’t tried it during months of advanced training, don’t succumb to last minute “bright ideas” (from yourself or others) on the Track unless it has proven okay for you many times in training, for example:

Don’t wrap your feet or toes in sports tape!
Don’t buy new boots or socks just before going on the Track!
Don’t wear new clothes!

We've Been We Know

The first No Roads Expeditions Kokoda trek set off in 2006 (that's over 15 years ago) and some of our guides have walked its length more than 30 times!

It’s time for a confession.

It took time to get this good at what we do!

This was never through a lack of trying, but the reality is after 16 years in PNG and on the track, we’ve learned a thing or two…

Here are a few other pointers we thought would be useful before you board your flight (or flights) to Port Moresby! 


The currency in PNG is the Kina (K). Exchange rates vary depending on the strength of the US dollar. Cash and Australian Dollars are readily accepted and can be exchanged for Kina at the airport, hotels or banks in any major city. Credit cards such as American Express, Visa and MasterCard are accepted in many hotels, shops and restaurants in major towns and cities. Bankcard is not accepted in PNG. ATM,s are also available to access in major hotels, banks and major cities. For spending money while on expedition it is best to have money in local currency (K).

The best place to exchange $Aus for Kina is at the Port Moresby airport. We do however recommend you exchange some money prior to departing Australia, approximately $100 to take into PNG. You will require to budget spending money for:

1 First nights dinner. $35

2 Personal items such as laundry, phone calls, snacks, etc. 

3 Alcoholic/bottled beverages and drinks including bottled water.

4 Tips. All tipping is at your discretion. $45

5 Souvenirs and handicrafts.

6 Small snacks along the Track $100 in small Kina notes 1K and 2K  


PNG has the same power plugs as Australia so you do not need to purchase an adapter for your electronic items.

Incredibly, we have had some people trek with the expectation of Wi-Fi connectivity whilst out on the track (as recently as late 2019)! While we laugh now, it also suggest we’ve not been as thorough with our briefings as we could.

Due to its remote location, there is no Wi-Fi available and for 90% of our guests, no mobile/cell phone reception either (it’s a great opportunity to disconnect from the outside world).


Many of our trekkers want to give to local communities they pass through. We encourage this and recommend either sports balls such as tennis, soccer or Australian Rules balls. Alternatively, educational equipment such as pencils, pencil sharpeners, paper, chalk and small chalk boards are greatly appreciated. As these things can weigh a fair bit, don’t overdo it or you may not get to the villages to hand them out!

As part of the No Roads Education initiative, a Kokoda Track Student Pack is available for trekkers to purchase at a cost of $30.00.  

The Student Pack would be taken over to PNG by the trekker and delivered on the track where resources are needed most.

If you would like more information regarding the Student Pack or wish to purchase a pack please visit the website for more information or to make your purchase www.kokodaexpeditions.com.au/kokoda-track-student-pack

We discourage the handing out of balloons and lollies due to the waste issue and no dental facilities for the villagers along the track. Instead, we encourage giving away items such as toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Of course, to have a longer lasting impact on the local communities, you could donate to the No Roads Expeditions Foundation at www.noroadsfoundation.com and donate for a specific cause, such as the No Roads Health or the No Roads Education program found on our No Roads Foundation site.


Many of the places you will visit are pristine. As travellers, we should try to have as little impact on these natural environments as possible. As such we recommend the following:

1 We discourage the use of soaps when washing both body and clothes. Vigorous scrubbing is usually sufficient. Even biodegradable soap is not good for any water course and as such is harmful to the eco-system.

2 Please do not dispose of plastic bags and wrappers in either pits or in fires. These take years to degrade or let off toxic fumes when burnt. Simply put them in your pack until you return home (they can be discarded in waste bins before going through customs and immigration).

3 Please do not dispose of batteries in country. They are extremely harmful to the environment and usually local governments do not have any means to dispose of them correctly. Return old batteries to your home country for disposal there.

4 At campsites, use toilet facilities that are provided. If you are in the remote, walk off the track and dig a small hole approximately 15cm deep and at least 100m from any water course. If safe to do so, burn used toilet paper in the hole (toilet paper takes a long time to degrade). Once fire is out, cover with soil. In rocky and icy mountain terrain (where a hole cannot be dug), cover waste with rocks. Tampons and sanitary pads should be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the rubbish bin back at camp.

By abiding by these simple guidelines, you will be protecting the local environment for the people who live there and for their children’s children.


More information and guidelines will be given to you prior to the start of your trekking adventure at final pre-departure meeting in Port Moresby.

  • A reminder of what to wear for the flight (your hiking boots).
  • Lodging, meals, and other conditions while on the expedition.
  • Safety procedures.
  • Cultural and Environmental Considerations.
  • COVID 19 Procedures on Expedition
  • Other relevant information.

Know The Lingo

The languages of Papua New Guinea are extremely diverse. Over five and a half million people speak around seven hundred languages!

A little effort to speak like a local can be a great icebreaker (as you stumble over the few words you remember) and is always appreciated by those whose homeland you are visiting.


* bagarap(im) – broken, to break down (from “bugger up”) – very widely used in Papua New Guinea

* bagarap olgeta – completely broken

* balus – airplane

* bikpela – big

* haus – house

* haus meri – female domestic servant

* haus moni – bank

* haus sik – hospital

* sit haus – toilet

* haus tambaran – traditional Sepik-region house with artifacts of ancestors or for honoring ancestors; tambaran means “ancestor spirit” or “ghost”

* hukim – to catch fish (from “hook”)

* kaikai – food, eat

* kamap – arrive, become (from “come up”)

* kisim – get

* mangi – young man (from “monkey”)

* maski – it doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it

* manmeri – people

* meri – woman (from the English name “Mary”)

* olgeta – all (from “all together”)

* pikinini – child (from Pacific Pidgin English, but ultimately from Portuguese influenced Lingua franca, cf, pickaninny) 

* Papa God – God

* raus(im) – get out (from German “raus”)

* sapos – if (from “suppose”)

* save – know, to do habitually (from Pacific Pidgin English, but ultimately from Portuguese influenced Lingua franca, cf. “savvy”)

* solwara – ocean (from “salt water”)

* stap – be, stay (from “stop”)

* slip – sleep, live

* tasol – only (from “that’s all”)


Please make sure you have the following items before you travel to the airport for your flight to PNG.

1. Luggage – water-resistant duffel bag with personal clothing/equipment, etc.
2. Day pack (backpack) as hand luggage (if possible, take your hiking boots as carry-on as well. Generally, any other items lost in transit can be replaced or covered in Port Moresby).
3. Valid passport.
4. Proof of your Electronic PNG Visa
5. Photocopy of the main page of your passport.
6. Photocopy of your COVID 19 Vaccination Status in addition to any proof on your mobile device.
7. Return Airfares and other travel documents.
8. Medical/travel insurance papers/certificates plus 2 copies of your policy.
9. Credit cards, cash dollars for expenses while in PNG.
10. Personal First Aid Kit

Give Us A Shout


Office: (03) 95988581
24 hrs Access:
Irene Miller + 61 430 705 222
Peter Miller + 61 425 726 623
Email: info@noroads.com.au  


Terence David +675 72669843
Jack Deia +675 70296867

The Hilton +675 7901 8000

We sincerely hope that you have the most wonderful Kokoda trek!