Welcome to your 5 Day Galapagos Adventure

“The Galapagos Islands are probably the most famous wildlife-watching destination in the world. And no wonder – it’s almost impossible to exaggerate the sheer spectacle of the place.” – Mark Carwardine

From the air (so for most, the first impression), many of the Galapagos Islands don’t look like much.

Rocky outcrops, born from Volcanoes and in large areas, seemingly barren.

Hardly an obvious haven for some of the most unique, endemic wildlife on the planet!

Yet both above and below the waters of the Pacific, this place teems with life and is full of wonder.

Just make sure you remember the $100USD in  cash for the National Park entrance fee!

The average Galapagos giant tortoise can live for well over a century. Their longevity is the highest of any vertebrate on land.

Your Journey

Guest Portal

You can update all your personal information directly in our Guest’s Portal. There, you can add your Insurance, Flight Details, and anything else we need for the trip. When you first click on the link you will be asked to reset your password. Please use the same email address you used for your booking.


97% of the Galapagos Islands is a national park!

Fitness is perhaps the key factor in any adventure, and whilst this short adventure isn’t anywhere near as strenuous as some, a reasonable level of fitness can be helpful in foreign conditions, such as higher altitude.

Most people of average fitness for their age could complete most of our treks. Take your time, set your own pace, and enjoy the incredible surroundings.

Most first-time adventurers are concerned that they won’t keep up. They soon discover that a steady and moderate pace will have them in their destination much faster than originally expected.

These trips are not training runs for the fit, but walking holidays for people of all ages, however, the fitter you are, the more you will enjoy it, and you will have enough energy for extra activities.

The best physical preparation for a trekking and climbing trip is to walk.

Start today. Walk on paths that go up and down, or on hills and steps for 30 or 40 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. 

Carry your day pack and wear the boots you plan to wear on the trek around 3 – 4 weeks before your arrival to Chile.

Jogging, swimming, gym work you do additional, are all very helpful.

Regularly within Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland (we’re constantly working to try and get guides in other states on board as well), we’ll have a variety of guides and trekkers get to know one another whilst working on their fitness and sharing advice on monthly weekend walks.

For information on any upcoming walks, please keep an eye out on our Upcoming Events

NOTE: Every participant should consult a physician well before the expedition date and make sure that they do not suffer from any chronic heart, lungs, cerebral, physical or any other serious illness.

As your service provider and hosts, we will take all necessary steps needed to evacuate injured or ill clients on the understanding that all costs involved will be paid to us before leaving the country (See We’ve got you covered below).


The tiny Galapagos Penguin, is the only Penguins species that can be found north of the Equator!


Most international flights into Ecuador enter via the capital Quito (UIO).

Travelling from Australia, this would typically include a transit via the USA (Los Angeles) or via another South American hub (such as Santiago).

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Australia.


Flights from mainland Ecuador to the Galapagos are generally from either Quito or Guayaquil (GYE).

As all of our Galapagos expeditions start on the island of San Cristobal, and conclude on the island of Santa Cruz, it makes sense to arrive by flight into San Cristobal (SCY), and to depart from Baltra airport (GPS).

NOTE: All flights are at an additional, and individual cost. They are not included as part of the tour booking.

Important Information: The weight restriction per person for the inter-island flight from San Cristobal to Isabela is 12 kgs in one piece of luggage.

If there’s anything specific you feel we need to know before departure, don’t hesitate to Contact Us


In entering the Galapagos Islands, you are entering the Galapagos National Park.

This requires payment of a mandatory $200USD national park fee (this has increased from $100USD in August 2024), as well as payment for a Galapagos Transit Card, an additional $20USD.

Traditionally, the payment of these fees has only been possible with cash, so please be sure to bring sufficient funds with you.


The Galapagos sits at the juncture of three tectonic plates. As a result, it is very volcanically active, even forming new islands!

Visa Information

ECUADORIAN TOURIST VISA (As of 30th January 2023)

Australian passport holders can stay in Ecuador for up to 90 days without a visa. You will require a visa if you want to stay longer than 90 days.

Visa and other entry and exit conditions (such as currency, customs and quarantine regulations) can change at short notice.

Check here for the most up to date travel advice:


International guests, please consult your relevant government advisory body.

We've Got You Covered


All No Roads staff and teams consider guest safety and wellbeing an absolute priority and always follow the travel advice and guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Smartraveller. To further maintain the safety of our travelers, we promote good personal and hand hygiene along with adherence to safe food preparation practices.


We are able to cater to all common special dietary requirements.

Please advise us prior to your departure if you have any food allergies we should be aware of.

The No Roads team will do everything it can to support any trekkers with allergies that might require a special diet, by informing all in-country personnel and ensuring reasonable provisions are made for all meals. We do, however, suggest and encourage all affected guests to assist us by providing this information while travelling in situations or instances where it may be required.


Visitors should drink only bottled water, which is widely available. Do not drink tap water, even in major hotels, and try to avoid drinks with ice. Many hotels and guest houses will have a large jug (think office water cooler) from which you are able to fill your own bottle.

Note: However, no matter how safe the water may be, we insist that all travellers use either water purification tablets such as Aquatab (iodine) or Steri Pen.


On top of the normal health considerations, women are advised to bring a tube of Canesten and an applicator. The Canesten is used for the treatment of thrush (which can be very painful if left untreated) and can be applied to both internal and external thrush. 

Prescriptions can be filled at farmacias and boticas; it’s best to know the generic name of your drug, however, to save time and possible confusion, it is recommended you bring most of your medicinal and sanitary needs with you. 


All travellers are recommended to carry a personal first aid kit with medicines for common ailments, cuts and bruises, pain killers, etc. Anyone using any prescription medicines regularly should carry a supply for the whole duration of their expedition. Please consult your doctor and include items and medicines that may be required for you or for the area you are traveling in. No Roads does not supply any medicines and takes no legal responsibility for any medical treatment or professional medical support to our clients.


Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance is a requirement for all guests travelling on our expeditions. Once you have booked on an expedition we suggest booking your travel insurance as soon as possible to protect your investment. Trip cancellation insurance will reimburse you for any non-recoverable air or land expenses should you have to cancel your trip due to personal or family illness or leave the expedition early due to other reasons. For our Australian guests, we are offering policies from NIB Travel for adequate cover, and you can contact our office direct, via phone or email, to obtain an insurance quote from us.

For guests travelling with us from outside Australia, please check Travel Insurance options within your Country.

If you should receive an injury 12 months prior to your travel date, you must contact the Insurance Company with details to ensure you are covered for this injury whilst travelling. Should you not do this and require medical assistance for this injury whilst travelling you may not be covered by the insurance company.

In the event that an aircraft evacuation is required, No Roads Expeditions will undertake to arrange the evacuation on the condition that the expenses are reimbursed by the passenger before departing the Country.

Note: Accidents caused by the inappropriate consumption of alcohol or drugs may void your travel insurance.

Get a Quote

While we don’t anticipate any uninvited medical disruptions during your trek, No Roads wants to keep your mind at ease and help you get adequate assistance and cover for your well-earned time away. It is extremely important that we ensure you’re covered during your great alpine experience.

We are able to provide you with Travel Insurance for your trip, allowing you to tick this off your ‘To-Do List” as soon as possible. (We strongly recommend that you take out baggage loss and accident insurance)!

Already have a trusted insurance provider?

That’s no problem at all, our primary concern is that you have adequate cover.

Got a Pre-Existing Condition?

Simply call our Insurance Team and quote the reference number we provide you with and they’ll complete an assessment on your behalf. In many cases, there is no additional premium that needs to be paid! Many common conditions are also automatically covered. 

In the event that an aircraft evacuation is required, No Roads Expeditions will undertake to arrange the evacuation on the condition that the expenses are reimbursed by the passenger before departing the Country.

Again, if you’ve any questions, don’t hesitate to ask info@noroads.com.au.

Things to Remember with Insurance

Insurance contact number:
Please provide the insurance company with a personal number that is actually contactable when you are abroad (an Australian number without global roaming is of little use when the insurance company is attempting to contact you)
Please ensure you travel with:

A Credit Card/Travel Card that can be used internationally. Often, any medical centre or hospital will require payment sooner than some insurance companies will have approved payment (meaning you need to be able to pay them, then seek reimbursement from your insurer).

The international emergency contact number for your insurance company. We will initiate emergency procedures for you, however, it is a far easier process for you to coordinate matters with the insurance company directly (most things we are unable to finalise on your behalf).

Documents to keep on your person, or obtain in event of emergency:

A copy of your flight itinerary with information including – Ticket Number, Airline Reference Number (PNR), Agency Flight Reference Number (if purchased via a travel agency/3rd party as well as contact information for them)

A copy of a Medical report (if you required treatment) and keep copies of all receipts for anything that you have been required to pay.


Remember to travel with a copy of your policy or at least your policy number and provider

In the unlikely event of an emergency No Roads and our local team will try their best to provide the best assistance and support to our injured guests. 
This is why we request you provide us with the following information via your Guest Portal:
– Name of Insurance Company
– Your Insurance Policy Number
– The 24 hour Emergency Assistance number of your Insurance Company
This information is vital for both our head office team, and guides on the trail in ensuring we can provide you access to emergency care in the unlikely event of an accident.

Things to Remember with Insurance

Insurance contact number:
Please provide the insurance company with a personal number that is actually contactable when you are abroad (an Australian number without global roaming is of little use when the insurance company is attempting to contact you)
Please ensure you travel with:

A Credit Card/Travel Card that can be used internationally. Often, any medical centre or hospital will require payment sooner than some insurance companies will have approved payment (meaning you need to be able to pay them, then seek reimbursement from your insurer).

The international emergency contact number for your insurance company. We will initiate emergency procedures for you, however, it is a far easier process for you to coordinate matters with the insurance company directly (most things we are unable to finalise on your behalf).

Documents to keep on your person, or obtain in event of emergency:

A copy of your flight itinerary with information including – Ticket Number, Airline Reference Number (PNR), Agency Flight Reference Number (if purchased via a travel agency/3rd party as well as contact information for them)

A copy of a Medical report (if you required treatment) and keep copies of all receipts for anything that you have been required to pay.


Remember to travel with a copy of your policy or at least your policy number and provider

In the unlikely event of an emergency No Roads and our local team will try their best to provide the best assistance and support to our injured guests. 
This is why we request you provide us with the following information via your Guest Portal:
– Name of Insurance Company
– Your Insurance Policy Number
– The 24 hour Emergency Assistance number of your Insurance Company
This information is vital for both our head office team, and guides on the trail in ensuring we can provide you access to emergency care in the unlikely event of an accident.

The animal inhabitants do not associate humans as predators, and as such are often quite curious (almost friendly). Visitors must always attempt to remain at a minimum safe distance of 6.5 ft (2 m) from wildlife.


In order to enter Ecuador, all travellers must follow the Health Protocol Requirements.

These requirements are fluid and are changing according to international COVID 19 developments. Please click here for more information about arrival requirements in Santiago (for transit) and Quito (for arrival in Ecuador).

COVID 19: To protect yourself, fellow guests and our team, being COVID-19 vaccinated is recommended for all of our expeditions.

Typhoid: Recommended for Ecuador. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Hepatitis A: Recommended for Ecuador. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.

Influenza: Recommended for Ecuador. Most common vaccine-preventable illness in travellers. Vaccine recommended, effective for 1 year.

Hepatitis B: Recommended for Ecuador. Ideally 2 months before travel.

Rabies: Recommended for Ecuador. Consult your doctor for the most suitable medication and timeline.

Yellow fever: Ecuador is one of the most at-risk countries for yellow fever, according to the World Health Organization. Ecuador requires a certificate of Yellow Fever vaccination for every entering traveller. The vaccination against yellow fever should be taken earlier than 10 days before your travel. 

Malaria: Consider this seriously for Ecuador.

Plan ahead for getting your vaccinations. Some of them require an initial shot followed by a booster, while some vaccinations should not be given together. This also applies to some malaria prophylactics, which have to be begun at least a week before you leave home.


With almost zero light pollution, the Galapagos Islands is one of the best places for stargazing on the planet.


On the Galapagos, where possible, we utilise Comfort Class. These properties are high quality bed & breakfast hotels. By Galapagos standards, they are the most comfortable in their class.

Hotel accommodation details: Exact property TBC

The Marine Iguanas found across these islands, are the only seagoing lizards in the world (herbivores, they can regularly be spotted munching on seaweed)!

Getting Outfitted


During the day, you will only need to carry a small pack. That said, inter-island flights have a limited baggage allowance (see under Domestic Flights). With this in mind, please try and pack as light and efficiently as possible. 

The luggage that is transferred for you during the day should be packed in a duffle bag or a large sports bag. Suitcases are not recommended.

In your day pack, you will carry water, a light rain coat, perhaps some snacks, and whatever else you would like to take (camera, sunscreen, etc).


This is obviously a personal decision (whatever you feel comfortable in), however, be mindful to remain respectful to the local people 


Ultimately you want to be comfortable. Consult our recommended packing list, but above, try to ensure that what you wear during your trip, is not being worn for the first time!


Camera film, Spare camera batteries, lens cleaner & paper. A small supply of favorite snacks – bigger supply for longer and remote area trips. Binoculars, notebook, etc

If you have any questions regarding the above list or any other items that you want to ask about please contact us. We can provide you additional information at any time.

  • Passport
  • Insurance Papers (3 copies)
  • Tourist Visa
  • International Airtickets
  • Comfortable clothes for travel   
  • Plastic Zip Lock bags for paperwork
  • Smart clothes for nightlife
  • Personal Toiletries (toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, etc) 
  • Hiking Shoes (or sturdy sandals)
  • Day Pack 
  • Rash Vest (lightweight swim top) – We can provide a wetsuit, please ask your guide
  • Rain Jacket     
  • Water Bottle
  • Trekking/Hiking clothes (non-Cotton)
  • Sunblock/Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunhat
  • Insect Repellent
  • Swimsuit/Swimshorts 
  • International Power Adaptor(s)
  • Bike Shorts (optional)
  • Personal first aid kit to include: painkillers, plasters (band-aids), moleskin, anti-septic cream, after-bite, anti-diarrhoea tablets, throat lozenges, re-hydration salts & personal medication. 

Staying Safe & Respectful

Post Office Bay on Floreana Island is actually home to a Post Office... well, sort of! Travellers can leave letters or postcards (without stamps), and if another traveller is headed to that Country/City they can deliver it on their behalf!

It’s time for a confession.

We weren’t always this confident at what we do!

This was never through a lack of trying, but the reality is after 20 years sending people to remote parts of the world, we’ve picked up a thing or two…


Tipping in many countries can be a problem and can add a great deal of stress to your holiday. Remember Tipping is entirely voluntary and how much you give depends on how you feel about the service you have received, and also how much you can realistically afford.

For greater context for how much of a difference you may be making, Ecuador has a minimum salary just over US$400 a month. In many of the lower-paid jobs (eg waiters, porters etc) this is not always enforced.


Electricity in Ecuador is 120V, with a frequency of 60hz, the following plugs are used:

If you have 3 prongs or 2 prong angled appliances you will need to bring an adaptor.



In Ecuador, the official currency is the US dollar.

If carrying funds from home, this money can be exchanged at banks or exchange vendors (look for Casa de Cambio).

Alternatively, you can use your ATM card to withdraw money in most large towns (research if your card type will function abroad, and be sure to alert your bank before you travel so they don’t flag your account for suspicious activity). 

Note: Prices on the more remote Galapagos Islands can much higher than mainland Ecuador


Credit cards can be used to purchase goods at most major stores and hotels in Ecuador. Be aware, you may be charged a higher price than if you pay by cash. 


Although attitudes are changing, Ecuador has traditionally been a conservative country, with the Roman Catholic church having a huge influence on daily life.

Non heterosexual travellers may find attitudes, less tolerant or accepting (to put this into context, homosexuality was illegal until 1997), so please be mindful of this.


Ecuador affords incredible opportunities for photography. Ensure that you are familiar with your camera well before your trek, and that your camera battery is strong (and bring a spare).

When taking photographs of local people, please ask their permission first and respect their wishes. This is normal courtesy. All you need to do is hold up your camera and wait for a response.


Due to their equatorial location, the Galapagos Islands are blessed with pleasant weather all year round so can be visited throughout the year. There are slight climatic changes though – from June to December, it is the ‘dry season’, with blue skies, midday showers, cooler winds, and the water is cooler.

This is the time when sea and land birds are most active (although wildlife activity is always good whenever you visit).

The warmer waters head towards the Galapagos around December, so warmer for swimming and snorkeling. December to May is the ‘warm season’ when the climate is more tropical with daily rain and cloudier skies and no wind.


The Galapagos is a place where the wildlife largely lives without fear of humans.

As such, many species will either show zero interest at all or at times, playful curiosity.

Please try not to touch them if it can be avoided, for both your safety and theirs.

Physical Preparation


Training like it is the real deal!

You know what they say (whoever ‘they’ are):

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

The secret is to do exercises that simulate what the expedition will be like, so hiking with a pack up and down hills for a few hours is ideal. Don’t forget to wear in your clothing and walking shoes/boots/socks so you discover any issues with them before it is too late. Wearing in your footwear usually takes several months of walking, not two or three training walks.

Consider training with 15-20kg of weight so that the recommended 12kg on the trek will be lighter than what you’re used to. This will offset the breath-sapping impact of South American altitude. If you are planning to use trekking poles, train with them now (they are so common these days, that no one will think that you’re strange).

We all have busy lifestyles so if this is not possible, a hike into the hills every two or three weeks would be beneficial. We believe this will really help you enjoy your time on the expedition.

Never do on the trek what’s not been tested by you (for months) in training.

That is, if you haven’t tried it during months of advanced training, don’t succumb to last minute “bright ideas” (from yourself or others) on the journey unless it has proven okay for you many times in training, for example:

Don’t wrap your feet or toes in sports tape!
Don’t buy new boots or socks just before going on your trek!
Don’t wear new clothes!

Know The Lingo

Ecuador has 3 official languages: Spanish (spoken by the majority), Kichwa, and Shuar.

A little effort to speak like a local can be a great icebreaker (as you stumble over the few words you remember) and is always appreciated by those whose homeland you are visiting.


Hello ~ Hola ~ o.la
Goodbye ~ Adios ~ a.dyos
How are you? ~ Que tal? ~ ke tal
Fine thanks~ Bien gracias ~ byen gra.syas
Excuse me ~ Perdon ~ per.don
Sorry ~ Lo siento ~ lo syen.to
Please ~ Por favor ~ por fa.vor
You are welcome ~ De nada ~ de na.da
Yes ~ Si ~ see
No ~ No ~ no


My name is ~ Me llamo ~ me ya.mo
Do you speak English? ~ Habla ingles? ~ a.bla een.gles

PHRASES (continued…)

I don’t understand ~ No entiendo ~ no en.tiyen.do
Where is..? ~ Donde esta..? ~ don.de es.ta
The bill please ~ La cuenta por favor ~ la kwen.ta por fa.vor
Cheers! (To your health) ~ Salud! ~ sa.loo
How much is it? ~ Cuanto cuesta? ~ kwan.to kews.ta
That’s too expensive ~ Es muy caro ~ es mooy ka.ro 


Open ~ Abierto
Closed ~ Cerrado
Entrada ~ Entrance
Exit ~ Salida
Toilet ~ Banos

Give Us A Shout


Office: (03) 95988581
24 hrs Access:
Irene Miller + 61 430 705 222
Peter Miller + 61 425 726 623
Email: info@noroads.com.au  

We sincerely hope that you have the most incredible Galapagos experience!